Title: The Japanese Mind
By: Robert C. Christopher
Softcover:352 pages
Publisher: Ballantine Books, 1983
This is a wonderful book! This is a must read for any one with a serious interest in Japan.
I strongly recommend that anyone beginning there journey into Japanese research of any kind start with this book. I really feel that Mr. Christopher clearly explains what makes the Japanese, Japanese.
I find it presents a balanced picture of the people and the society. It is the best book I have yet to read on understanding the Japaneses cultural thought process. It puts Dr. Liza C. Dalby's geisha experience into perspective and gives a better understanding on how vary rare and unheard of such acceptance is for outsiders. I also feel this book gives wonderful insight when dealing with Japaneses business contacts. You will gain a wealth of understanding about Japanese customs, mindset and attitudes. Mr. Christopher clearly covers every aspect of the Japaneses culture and national character. This single volume is in my opinion the most concise and valuable asset we have in understanding the the closed group that is the Japaneses people.
Sounds like a book I am going to have to run to the library and read asap. Love the book reviews, keep them coming.